Friday, May 30, 2008
Dryer Sheets & Laundry Soap Cause Cancer
Thank you!
TheGaianDragon. com
Anna Mation
Dryer Sheets Contain Cancer Causing Chemicals
December 05, 2004
Mike Adams
America has a love affair with artificial fragrance and products that contain it. The amount of fragrance that goes into the average household in America is absolutely astounding. It’s found in all sorts of products but one of the most common is dryer sheets. As it turns out, dryer sheets are absolutely loaded with artificial fragrance. In fact, they serve more of a function of perfume sheets than any other practical function in the dryer...
When people use dryer sheets, they are coating their cloths with a thin film of artificial chemical perfumes. Just like other perfumes, a person’s sensitivity to these perfumes decreases over time to the point where they don’t even notice how potent these artificial fragrance chemicals are...
None of this would be interesting if it weren’t for the fact that these fragrance chemical are extremely toxic chemicals. They are known carcinogens. They cause liver damage and cancer in mammals. In fact, the only way they are approved for use in consumer products is that there is an underlying, but false assumption by the FDA and other regulator agencies that cosmetic products such as shampoo, deodorants, creams, laundry detergents, and soaps don’t pose a health risk because their chemicals are not absorbed through the skin. In other words, there is a much lower threshold of danger assumed with cosmetic products versus foods and beverages. It is assumed that chemicals put on the skin don’t necessarily penetrate the skin. This assumption is incorrect, however...
Nearly every chemical that touches the skin finds its way into the body and into the bloodstream. As a result, wearing toxic fragrance chemicals is actually quite similar to eating them. These toxic chemicals would never, of course, be approved as safe food ingredients due to their toxicity. Many are registered as EPA toxins...
Nearly all are listed in the government RTECS database of toxic chemicals (see http://www. nisc. com/cis/details/rtecs. htm for more info). Yet they are, for some reason, allowed to be used in consumer products simply because it is assumed they pose no hazard to human health...
A rigorous examination of the toxic chemicals used in artificial fragrance, such as over-the-counter perfumes, has turned up shocking reports showing as many as twenty-three identifiable carcinogenic compounds.
A partial list is found at http://www. immuneweb. org/articles/perfume. html
This means that these fragrance products contain not just one cancer causing agent but potentially dozens. That’s why using dryer sheets or even laundry detergent with fragrance is extremely bad for your health...
Years ago, people argued with the very idea that such chemicals could be absorbed through the skin. They said the skin is a strong barrier against external agents. Otherwise, they explained, the body would be invaded be bacteria and viruses on a daily basis. But then along came the nicotine patch and other federally approved drugs and consumer products that worked on the very premise that drugs can be absorbed through the skin. In fact, if chemicals weren’t absorbed through the skin, the nicotine patch wouldn’t work at all...
Today, even though it is obvious to any intelligent person that chemicals are quite easily absorbed through the skin, there’s no general recognition that products that come into contact with the skin of consumers could pose a potential health hazard. The FDA, it seems, is once again asleep at the wheel...
A person who uses dryer sheets or laundry detergent with fragrance is actually coating their clothing in a layer of chemicals that will be easily transferred to their skin the next time they put on those cloths and start to perspire. The wetter your body becomes, the more easily the chemicals can move from clothing into your skin. And since many of these chemical compounds are by themselves solvents, they are rather good at moving through cellular membranes and entering tissues of the body, including nervous system tissues...
This is why intelligent consumers who wish to protect their health avoid brand name dryer sheets, laundry detergents, and even perfumes and colognes that are all made with toxic fragrance chemicals that can cause cancer, liver disorders, Alzheimer's disease and many other chronic diseases...
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Friday, May 23, 2008
Scientific Studdy Finds Fluoride Horror Stories Factual
Date: May 23, 2008 10:15 PM
What Advanced Chronic Fluoride Poisoning Looks Like
Click Here to find out if your water supply is poisoned with deadly fluoride
Sourced from:
http://www. prisonplanet. com/articles/january2008/011508_fluoride_horror. htm
Poisoned Water & Vaccines
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Marijuana Cures Lung Cancer?
While smoking marijuana is never good for the lungs, the active ingredient in pot may help fight lung cancer, new research shows.
Harvard University researchers have found that, in both laboratory and mouse studies, delta-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cuts tumor growth in half in common lung cancer while impeding the cancer’s ability to spread.
The compound “seems to have a suppressive effect on certain lines of cancer cells,” explained Dr. Len Horovitz, a pulmonary specialist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City.
According to the researchers, THC fights lung cancer by curbing epidermal growth factor (EGF), a molecule that promotes the growth and spread of particularly aggressive non-small cell lung cancers. “It seems to go to (EGF) receptor sites on cells and inhibit growth,” said Horovitz, who was not involved in the study.
The findings are preliminary, however, and other outside experts urged caution.
“It’s an interesting laboratory study (but) you have to have enough additional animal studies to make sure the effect is reproducible and to make sure that there are no overt toxic effects,” said Dr. Norman Edelman, chief medical officer of the American Lung Association. “It’s a little more than tantalizing because it’s a compound that we know has been in humans and has not caused major problems.”
The findings were to be presented this week at the annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) in Los Angeles.
Lung cancer is the number one cancer killer in the world. Lung tumors that over-produce the EGF receptor tend to be extra-aggressive and don’t respond well to chemotherapy.
THC is the main active ingredient of Cannabis sativa –marijuana. It has been shown to inhibit tumor growth in cancer, but specific information on its action against lung cancer has so far been limited.
In the new study, the researchers first showed that two different lung cancer lines, as well as samples from patient lung tumors, produced the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2.
Endocannabinoids — cannabinoids produced naturally in the body — are thought to have an effect on pain, anxiety and inflammation when they bind to cannabinoid receptors.
Next, the researchers injected standard doses of THC into mice implanted with human lung cancer cells. After three weeks of treatment, tumors shrank by about 50 percent in animals treated with THC, compared to those in an untreated control group, the researchers reported.
The findings may shed light on a question that has been puzzling Horovitz: Why hasn’t there been a spike in lung cancer in the generation that smoked a lot of marijuana in the 1960s.
“I find it fascinating, wondering if the reasons we’re not seeing this spike is that THC inhibits lung cancer cells,” he said. “It would be very ironic, although you certainly wouldn’t tell somebody who smoked cigarettes to add marijuana.”
A second set of findings presented at AACR suggested that a viral-based gene therapy could target both primary and distant tumors, while ignoring healthy cells.
When injected into 15 mice with prostate cancer, this “smart bomb” therapy eliminated all signs of cancer — effectively curing the rodents. Researchers at Columbia University, in New York City, said the therapy also worked in animals with breast cancer and melanomas.
And in a third hopeful trial reported at the meeting, German researchers at University Children’s Hospital, in Ulm, said they’ve used measles viruses to treat brain tumors. In mouse experiments, the virus attached to the tumor from the inside out, the team said.
(HealthDay News)
Monday, May 12, 2008
Alternative and Self-Help Cancer Therapy Programs
Alternative and Self-Help Cancer Therapy Programs For People and Animals part 1 of 2
Alternative to "cut, burn and poison'' modalities of surgery, radiation and toxic drugsAccording t o Dr. George C Pack, MD, a cancer specialist at Cornell medical School, almost everyone has cancer cells present at times in our bodies. If our immune system is working properly, these cells are killed or reabsorbed by our defense system before they begin to grow and threaten our health. more
A top European cancer research scientist, Dr Johanna Budwig, has discovered a totally natural formula that not only protects against the development of cancer but people all over the world who have been diagnosed with incurable cancer and sent home to die have actually been cured and now lead normal healthy lives. After three decades of research Dr. Budwig, six-time nominee for the Nobel Award, found that the blood of seriously ill cancer patients was always, without exception, deficient in certain important essential ingredients which included substances called phosphatides and lipoproteins. (The blood of a healthy person always contains sufficient quantities of these essential ingredients. However, without these natural ingredients cancer cells grow wild and out of control.)
The Prime Cause of Cancer is Not Genetic"...What is shocking to most people, the scientific fact that cancer is genetically recessive, not dominant. In fact, the human body is highly resistant to cancer. In 1969, Professor Henry Harris of Oxford University shook the cancer research community to its core when he proved these previous theories wrong. Professor Harris took normal tissue cells and fused three types of cancer cells to them. Surely, he thought, the cancer cells would take over the normal cells and "convert" them into cancer. Surprisingly, they grew normally.
Contrary to popular opinion, cancer takes several decades to develop in humans. Given this long incubation period, science can show us the way to destroy any initial pre-cancerous cells and keep the cancerous ones from causing widespread damage.If you think cancer has a genetic basis, then think again. Dr Robert A. Weinberg of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), one of the world's leading cancer researchers and discoverer of the so-called oncogene (cancer-causing gene), reversed his previous conclusions after discovering that "fewer than one DNA base in a million appears to have been miscopied". It's not enough of a defect! His exact words: "Something was very wrong. The notion that a cancer developed through the successive activation of a series of oncogenes had lost its link to reality." He called the genetic discoveries made thus far "sterile".6 The prime cause of cancer is therefore not genetic. This was announced in 1998. Did you hear about it? Probably not.
In 2006, the heads of the world's largest cancer research centre in Houston, Texas, announced that cancer's prime cause isn't genetic: "'If it could have happened [solving cancer with genetics], it would have already happened with genetic mutations,' said William Brinkley, a senior vice-president at Baylor who says other research should take precedence over the cancer genome projectÉ Dr John Mendelsohn [president of M. D. Anderson Cancer Center] states, 'Any claims that this [genetic research] is going to be the key to curing cancer are not appropriate.'" Thus, the prime cause of cancer is not a genetic mutation. Even if cancer "runs in your family", there is real hope. Unfortunately, the geneticists have it backwards, attempting to force the facts to fit their genetics-based theories when they don't fit the facts, because, as Professor Harris demonstrated many years ago, cancer isn't genetically dominant. Where does this leave us? Where can we look for solutions? What about the popular nutritional solutions to fighting cancer?
"...Dr Otto Warburg discovered and clearly stated that the prime, most basic, cause of cancer is too little oxygen getting into the cell. "We find by experiment about 35% inhibition of oxygen respiration already suffices to bring about such a transformation during cell growth," he stated at a 1966 conference of Nobel laureates in Lindau, Germany. more
- The Prime Cause of Cancer is Not Genetic
- Cancer-Prevention Mechanism of Omega-3 Fatty Acids
- Marine Phytoplankton: Tumor and Cancer
- What if the Cure is Also a Cause?
- Surgery Not A Cure For Cancer Based on the writngs of Dr Eli G Jones, MD
- Transfer Factor Study with 20 Cancer Patients - Rob Robertson, M.D
- Videos: Scott Stirling gives a speach about how he was cured from cancer using an alternative natural approach from Dr. Kelley
source:Questioning Chemotherapy: A Critique of the Use of Toxic Drugs in Cancer Treatment Breast Cancer - Natural Treatments Hoxsey Cancer Therapy Essiac - A Remarkable Canadian Indian Remedy For Cancer Skin Cancer and tumors: Cansema Black Salve The Politics of Cancer - Cancer Industry and their cover-up of natural therapie Overcoming Immunosuppression from Chemotherapy Understand Causes and Cures for Cancer Holistic Animal Cancer Treatments
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Lung Cancer - The Stages And Treatments Involved In Treating The Disease
Lung cancer forms in the tissues of your lungs generally in the cells which line your air passages.lung cancer is a very aggressive type of cancer and if not caught early enough can have a very poor outcome.
Generally, lung cancers originate in the lining of the bronchi. Plus it can also form in the glands below the lining of the bronchi, usually in the periphery of the lungs.
There are four recognizable stages of lung cancer. Stage one is the mildest and stage four is the most severe form. Remember though, that all stages of lung cancer are very serious.
Let us now examine the four stages:
Stage One: In this stage, the cancer is confined to the lung tissue will only. Your chance of recovering from this type of cancer is the best.
Stage Two: Here the cancer is confined to the lung tissue and lymph nodes only.
Stage Three: At this stage, the cancer is in the lung tissue and lymph nodes inside and outside the lungs.
Stage Four: When you reach this stage, the cancer has spread to the liver, bone, adrenal glands, brain, and other areas.
The state of development and the type of the cancer are very important when trying to heal the patient. There are two types: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, and Small Cell Lung Cancer. What follows are the likely treatments and approximate cure rates for each stage of lung cancer:
Stage One: The main treatment here involves surgery.
Cure rate is around 67%.
Stage Two: The main treatment for this type of cancer also involves surgery.
The cure rate for this type of cancer is generally in the 40 to 50% range.
Stage Three: The main treatment here includes chemotherapy and radiation.
The cure rates is generally less than 60%.
Stage Four: The main treatment involved here also includes chemotherapy and radiation. The cure rate at this stage is less than 80%.
Research is continually ongoing to study the causes of lung and other cancers, and to find new ways to prevent or even cure them.Unfortunately however, if you are diagnosed with lung cancer there is not a very good outlook attached to the outcome.
For More Information On Asbestos Lung Cancer: Article Source:'Rourke |
Thursday, May 8, 2008
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